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Bishop Baumgartner Memorial School Energy-Efficiency and Conservation Presentation

Outreach/Event Date: 01/22/2025
Energy Efficiency and Conservation

Guam Power Authority visited the students at Bishop Baumgartner Memorial Catholic School on January 22, 2025, to deliver their Energy-Efficiency and Conservation Presentation. This presentation was delivered by GPA SPORD Engineer III, Victor Torres, and Communications Manager, Joyce Sayama.

Through this presentation, 5th through 8th grade students were taught ways to save energy, how to be energy efficient, and why being sustainable is important. Students were also informed about how energy is generated, the types of energy sources (non-renewable and renewables), and the different ways GPA makes electrical energy.

In addition, the Beat-the-Peak campaign was presented to the students, who were taught the importance of conserving energy during peak hours of 5 pm to 11 pm and different ways they could “Beat-the-Peak”.

At the end of the presentation, students eagerly raised their hands to answer energy-related questions, and all were given Beat-the-Peak origami.