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B.P. Carbullido Elementary School’s Career Day Presentation

Outreach/Event Date: 04/20/2023
Career Day

GPA attended B.P. Carbullido Elementary School’s Career Day Presentation on March 29, 2023 from 9:00am-10:00am. GPA line workers, Chad Fernandez, Nathan Aguero, and Matthew Afaisen, demonstrated to the Carbullido students how safety is integral to their line of work. The GPA line workers showed students the different tools and equipment (personal protective equipment) needed to stay safe while working on the electrical lines. In addition, they demonstrated the use of the bucket truck to show kids how line workers reach power lines when maintenance and repair needs to be done. GPA’s Communications office assisted the line workers in engaging with the students as the linemen described the details of their careers. Communications Manager, Joyce Sayama along with her Communications team promoted energy conservation, energy efficiency and shared Energy-Saving Tips for the kids. The team provided students with GPA stickers, activity & coloring materials and provided teachers with GPA energy sense bags.