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Inalåhan Middle School's Career Day Presentation

Outreach/Event Date: 02/10/2023
Career Day

GPA had a booth set up at Inalåhan Middle School’s “Focus on the Future: College/Career/Health Fair” on Friday, February 10, 2023 from 9:00am-12:00pm to help promote different career choices to the Inalåhan Middle School (IMS) students. GPA Substation Electrician apprentice, Theodore Tamashiro, demonstrated how live wires could affect the human body with a hot-dog demonstration for the IMS students to observe at the GPA booth. He explained through his demonstration how important it is to be attentive and careful in his line of work, as well as his experience with the tools and equipment accompanying his demonstration. GPA HR’s Personnel Specialist IV, Luana Meno, spoke about the various careers at GPA and how job application process. Communications Manager, Joyce Sayama along with her Communications team promoted energy conservation, energy efficiency and shared Energy-Saving Tips for the kids. The team provided students with promotional items & treats and provided teachers with energy sense bags.